H-ZoNe is Back!

hi guys!

Welcome back to H-ZoNe!
You may or may not missed H-ZoNe, but at last we are back in action. The site just got a problem due to high CPU memory usage (i doesnt know EXACTLY why) thats why our hosting got it suspended. But thanks to their reliable support our site wasn’t terminated. -ayos-

As of now I got plans on optimizing the site, so that it wont get the same problem again. Also security measures will be initiated. (if somebody knows a lot something about these, kindly throw an advice)

User registrations wont be enabled anymore. There wouldnt be future member-only-posts anymore (I think). Inactive users will be deleted as they just takes up spaces on tables. -nerd-

If you want to have an avatar on your comment posts, register your email on http://en.gravatar.com upload your avatar and then use the associated email while commenting on the site. *_*

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some updates:

I think thats it for now, were back in business! Cheers! Lets hope for the best! I missed you all! -bye-